by AimeeSing | May 23, 2021 | Birth, Doula, Pregnancy, Research
How can you induce labour? If you browse social media groups or any pregnancy and birth forums, “How can you induce labour naturally?” is constantly asked. Induction of labour is the stimulation of uterine contractions when labour hasn’t already...
by AimeeSing | Sep 13, 2020 | Breastfeeding, Research, Uncategorized
Blocked Milk Ducts, blebs and mastitis – what, why and how? “What are blocked milk ducts?” I hear you say! Or, perhaps you’re here because you’re currently breastfeeding and have found a lump, pain or redness in your breast. It can feel...
by AimeeSing | Sep 4, 2020 | Breastfeeding, Parenting, Postpartum, Research
Settling and Sleep: What’s normal? What is it about settling and sleep that gets people so worked up? After having a baby seemingly the most important piece of information is, “Are they sleeping through the night!?!” This question is really...
by AimeeSing | Sep 1, 2020 | Birth, Doula, Pregnancy, Research
What is a stretch and sweep exactly? What exactly is a stretch and sweep? Why do women get offered a stretch and sweep in late pregnancy? A stretch and sweep is essentially an intervention to help kick start/induce labour. Yes, I know, care providers sometimes say...
by AimeeSing | Nov 13, 2019 | Birth, Breastfeeding, Doula, Parenting, Postpartum, Pregnancy, Research
A Vaginal Birth After Caesarean due to prior Placental Abruption: Birthing Hamish Hamish’s Vaginal Birth After Caesarean homebirth story starts with his sisters birth, you can read about it here. After planning a home birth we miscarried our first baby, but fell...
by AimeeSing | Oct 19, 2018 | Birth, Doula, Research
Happy Home birth Awareness Week! This week is international home birth awareness week (#HBAW2018) so we’re going to talk about, “Why Home birth?” Home birth is not for everyone! However, just as it’s not OK to force someone to birth at home,...