by AimeeSing | Sep 17, 2023 | Birth, Calmbirth, Pregnancy, Research
Here we have Maddy’s VBAC birth experience in hospital with private midwife and doula support. Thank you so much, Maddy, for sharing your beautiful birth story with us! 💗 My first birth experience – the induction My first pregnancy I went in overly...
by AimeeSing | Sep 15, 2023 | Birth, Calmbirth, Pregnancy, Research
Image courtesy of Jerusha Sutton Photography Calmbirth experiences are something I so look forward to hearing after our classes! Every couple’s experience is different, but each time I love hearing how they were able to put the class components to good use. I...
by AimeeSing | Sep 15, 2023 | Birth, Calmbirth, Doula, Postpartum, Pregnancy
This incredible woman has given permission for her positive second birth experience story to be shared, a vaginal birth after caesarean. So often I hear from women that they are feeling scared of birth, particularly after a difficult first birth when planning their...
by AimeeSing | Oct 1, 2022 | Birth, Doula, Postpartum, Research
During the process of birth planning with the women I support we always touch on suturing of tears and episiotomy. What are the different types of tears? When is an episiotomy used and what does this look like? How are tears and episiotomies different and what is the...