In the morning, I woke up and I knew. I soon had the confirmation of bloody show, and I was excited to message our midwife and our doula. Funnily enough, our doula was out of town – due to arrive back that night. I trusted that baby would wait until she was back.
Still, I was surprised to spend the whole weekend in early labour. Birthing my first baby 3 and half years prior, I didn’t experience anything that I would consider early labour: my waters had broken, I had a few gentle and irregular contractions over a few hours, then suddenly I vomited and had many hours of active labour before birthing her.
I assumed that the second time would be similar, and I was really challenged by the slow and subtle flavours of this labour. I tried not to count the minutes between contractions or compare a contraction to the previous one. I knew the importance of letting go of logic to lean into labour.
To support the descent into the birth portal on Saturday, we diffused essential oils, let my birth playlist echo throughout the house, and went on a bush walk as a family. The cicadas were singing, and I felt magically supported the few times I stopped to lean on nearby trees when a contraction arrived. We walked on bush tracks we’d visited dozens of times before, but it felt different knowing that this would be our last time as a family of 4 (me, my partner, our 3 and a half year old, and our dog!).