by AimeeSing | Sep 17, 2023 | Birth, Calmbirth, Pregnancy, Research
Here we have Maddy’s VBAC birth experience in hospital with private midwife and doula support. Thank you so much, Maddy, for sharing your beautiful birth story with us! 💗 My first birth experience – the induction My first pregnancy I went in overly...
by AimeeSing | Sep 15, 2023 | Birth, Calmbirth, Pregnancy, Research
Image courtesy of Jerusha Sutton Photography Calmbirth experiences are something I so look forward to hearing after our classes! Every couple’s experience is different, but each time I love hearing how they were able to put the class components to good use. I...
by AimeeSing | Sep 15, 2023 | Birth, Calmbirth, Doula, Postpartum, Pregnancy
This incredible woman has given permission for her positive second birth experience story to be shared, a vaginal birth after caesarean. So often I hear from women that they are feeling scared of birth, particularly after a difficult first birth when planning their...