Want a positive birth? See what Calmbirth Classes in the Blue Mountain can do for you!
Calmbirth Classes in the Blue Mountains help educate, inspire and improve your confidence around childbirth. Calmbirth is an incredible, evidence based, trusted childbirth education program created specifically with the intention of informing couples so that they can have beautifully positive birthing and parenting experiences. However birth happens, it can be a positive, enriching and empowering experience. Calmbirth is highly acclaimed, recommended and trusted and was the first childbirth education program in Australia to acknowledge the relationship between the mind and body in birth. Consequently, Calmbirth uses relaxation techniques and working with physiology to improve birth experiences.
Do you feel fearful, stressed and anxious about giving birth? Above all, Calmbirth works towards replacing these feelings with the knowledge and skills needed to help you birth calmly, safely and confidently!
During Calmbirth classes in the Blue Mountains we talk about:
– The mind-body connection in birth
– Labour and birth physiology
– The impact of our psychology on our physiology
– The hormonal cascade (and how to use it to your benefit)
– Supportive measures during labour and birth
– The birth partner’s role in labour, birth and parenting
– Coming back to physiology even when plans need to shift
– Conscious parenting
– Breastfeeding how to (with a certified lactation consultant – IBCLC)
– Baby wearing
– Techniques for labour and birth (and parenting), including but not limited to:
a) Breathing exercises
b) Relaxation exercises
c) Acupressure
d) Massage
e) Spinning Babies Techniques
f) Visualisation
g) Affirmation
h) Alternative comfort measures
i) Medicalised comfort measures
…and so much more!
In summary, if this sounds like the program for you please join us! You’ll find more information over on our Calmbirth Classes in the Blue Mountains page. I can’t wait to meet you ?